Dublin, Ireland

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Company & Business Audits – Ensuring Your Business Is Compliant

Companies and Business must adhere to rules and regulations set out by various bodies such as The Department of Justice, The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment and the Workplace Relations Commission.

There are a myriad of conditions that employers must meet in order to maintain good practice, legal commitments and regulatory compliance.

We assist businesses and companies alike with compliance conditions and provide solutions for any potential oversights or breaches. Many businesses are not aware of such commitments and can often be met with startling letters from the relevant governing body. 99% of breaches and oversights are completely unintentional, and rectifying these issues is normally quite manageable. However, it is important to understand the various conditions that must be upheld when employing non-EEA Nationals and the list of obligations employers are bound to.

We ensure that all practices are complied with, make suggestions regarding the implementation of standards and create a roadmap to achieving them.